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Eine Ausstellungsreihe an den dunkelsten Orten Berlins

Stell Dir vor, du befindest Dich in einer geheimen Bar. Atmosphärische Musik umgibt Dich, Dir wird ein Drink gereicht. Eine Person geleitet Dich zu einer versteckten Tür in einem alten Wandschrank. Hinter der Tür erwartet Dich eine Reise in die Köpfe von 12 Künstler:innen. 

Du läufst durch enge Katakomben, vorbei an uralten Pumpen und Leitungen, die die Lebensader von Tonnenschweren Dampfmaschinen waren. Zwischen Zahnrädern und alten Kühlbecken sind raumgreifende Installationen aus Licht und Klang zu sehen. Die meisten Werke zeigen wir als Premieren. 


Clara Sauer (Curation & Communication)

Clara Sauer has been curating immersive exhibitions in Berlin since 2016, which have attracted a great deal of media attention. Together with Sven Sauer and the Wir im Raum team, she is the founder of the ‘Lost Art Festival’, ‘THE DARK ROOMS Exhibition’, ‘Unseen Westeros’ and ‘Himmel unter Berlin’.  

Her focus is on developing unseen and intensive exhibition concepts that enable visitors to encounter art in a new way and question the conventional presentation form of the white cube. 

Sven Sauer (Concept & Projectmanagement)

Sven Sauer has been working as a matte painter on international film productions since 2006. His work on Martin Scorsese's film ‘Hugo’ was honoured with an Academy Award ‘Oscar’. The visual effects for the HBO production ‘Game of Thrones’ won three EMMY Awards.

He lives and works as an artist and exhibition organiser in Berlin. Sven Sauer is the initiator of ‘Unseen Westeros’ and ‘360 minutes Art’. In 2016, he founded the artists' collective “The Dark Rooms” to bring art to places such as industrial monuments, breweries and old factories in Berlin.

This collective was the forerunner from which the exhibition formats ‘Lost Art Festival’ and ‘Himmel unter Berlin’ would later emerge.

Jan Häusler (Finances / Strategy)

Jan Häusler is the founder and managing director of Wir im Raum GmbH, which organises formats such as ‘Himmel unter Berlin’ and the ‘Lost Art Festival’. Jan is also the founder and managing director of the creative agency Schach zu Dritt.


With his many years of experience in the event sector and the Berlin scene, Jan is part of the core team of ‘Himmel unter Berlin’.

His experience in strategic planning is what makes the exhibitions possible in the first place.


Jan Oertzen  (Eventmanagement / Operations)

Jan Oertzen is also a partner at Wir im Raum and Schach zu Dritt. As Project Director and with over 15 years of creative and operational experience in the event sector, he is responsible for the operational exhibition management of ‘Himmel unter Berlin’. 

With his vision, Jan created the idea and experiences in the red bar, among other things.


Martin Hussain 

(Location- & Nightmanagement

Martin develops and coordinates the exhibition team. He secures the locations and supports the installation of the artworks with his team. 


With his overwhelmingly positive manner, he coordinates all the volunteers who make Himmel unter Berlin possible in the first place.


Jan Brugger

(Technical Director

​Jan has been the technical director of the exhibitions since the very beginning. He brings electricity into buildings that nobody has entered for a hundred years. Thanks to his many years of experience in construction, no challenge is too great for him, no kilometre of cable too far and no floor too high. 


Claudia Marquardt


(Communication Management) 


Claudia takes over our communication work and supports us in other areas such as administration with passion.

She loves the work & the exchange with great people.

Claudia also worked in the field of music for the 3000Grad Crew and has her own DJ booking agency Clique Bookings.



We would like to thank our partners for their support. Without you it would not have been possible to realise ‘Himmel unter Berlin’ Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. 


A big thank you goes to our long-standing partner Hotel Berlin Berlin. Thank you for supporting us in accommodating our artists and for always being on fire with every new idea. THANK YOU.



The story behind the name 

Between 2001 and 2010, an illegal exhibition series called ‘The Sky Under Berlin’ was organised in the Berlin underground.


The locations were old air raid shelters and cellars in Berlin. In 2001, the event became so large that it was cleared by the police. The Tagesspiegel newspaper headlined the police raid: ‘Der Himmel unter Berlin’ gained an almost legendary reputation in the scene. The weekly underground parties were advertised via mailing lists that were only accessible to insiders. A changing slogan was communicated via this channel, which had to be mentioned at the entrance.

The article is still online today. The exciting thing about ‘Der Himmel unter Berlin’ was that the cultural levels merged together... not just music, not just art, but the broadest possible spectrum. 

The founder of ‘Der Himmel unter Berlin’ was the ‘Kollektiv Kohlenquelle’, which organised the first ‘Lost Art Festival’ with us back in 2017. 

Their bold event concepts from the 2000s are still role models for new experiences for us today.

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